Sunday, January 22, 2012

Days 74-80: Linnea's 100th Christmas - Tucson Pt 1

On January 6, Linnea Snook, Tucson's favorite centenarian, passed away after two weeks of holiday celebrations with four generations of her family.  The pictures that follow tell the story of her 100th Christmas.  We share them in memory of her dynamic spirit and lasting memory.

Tucson, or more specifically Green Valley, is a bit of a safe haven.  Four activities tend to command most of our attention:
1) Making and eating food: 8 hours per day.

2) Reading and general vegging: 4 hours per day.

3) iPad time: 6-8 hours per day.

4) Hot Dice: Any time that remains.

Hot Dice.

It gets intense.  Ones and fives, ones and fives!  Mama needs a new pair of shoes!

In retrospect, we maybe shouldn't have let iDrunkPete v2.0 manage the scorekeeping.
(In retrospect, I may only be saying that because I never won)

The paragon of suffering. 0-for-5.

I did have a partner in the losing streak, though.  Oh by the way, this is Laura's mom, Joan.  That's Mrs. Burr to you.  Say hello everyone.

And the empty glasses of alcohol begin to appear...

And this is Laura's dad, Roger.
Sorry Roger, had to do it:

We is drunk'd.

Yup, drunk'd.  No, wait, the caption for this photo is supposed to be:

Fake nap.

Don't wake me up from my fake naps.

CHRISTMAS MORNING!  Now, technically, I was already several days into the best holiday of the year for the kids who grew up on MY street.  But who doesn't love Christmas morning?  Come on!

Santa Baby Sophia

"Oh. Great. This again."

Ragged-looking adults and euphoric children: Christmas mornings across America.

One of 10+ bottles of wine exchanged that morning

Sophia is deep in the middle of an eat-everything phase

She always managed to know when the lens was aimed at her

"I help you Grandma?"

Stocking stuffer supreme.  I'm pretty sure I made reference to the Messin' with Sasquatch commercials in an earlier post, right?


The matriarch keeps watch.

"This lid tastes so good."

That's a lot of no-no juice.

Our namesake wine.

"This is Boomtown."  Couldn't have said it better myself.



"Ahhhh that's the stuff.  Hey can I get some of that no-no juice?"

These things are the WORST.  Cholla cactus I think?  They come into play in the next post...

...but here's a preview.  Pete saved Winter from these about five times.

This is basically the back yard in Tucson, by the way.  It's like a giant desert playground.

"If I could"

"Got it."

"No, seriously, it's easy.  Go for it."

Walkin' in a washout

Oh, and she's also in a take-off-my-booties-and-chew-on-them phase.  It's a subset of the eat-everything phase.

"Ow ow ow ow ow my face, Des, my face!"

"I told you not to claw my face!"

This looks like trouble


"You guys, come on."

Upgrading from P90X to Insanity.  Guess how many days of it we've done so far...

Siblings at play...

You just...kind of had to be there...

Next up, Tucson part 2: Lost in the desert

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