Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Days 59-64: Licking our wounds in Los Angeles

Goddamn, what a week...

Scrambling for some sanity, we head to the only place that seems to makes sense: the Santa Monica Barnes & Noble.  Unfortunately, we have a pile of books about this size in the back of our car -- totally untouched.  [Note to self: do a post on the road trip reading list]

Not all storefronts are created equal.

All hail Kellen, who opened up his apartment in downtown LA to us when he was OUT OF THE COUNTRY.  My own personal hero.  He shows up a little later.

It's funny how we retreat to the things most familiar to us in times of difficulty...

More specifically:

I've complained several times about the sandwiches we've had on this trip.  ALL I WANT IS A DAMN CORNED BEEF SANDWICH ON RYE WITH MORE THAN TWO SLICES OF MEAT.  Roadtrip decree: if you want a good sandwich -- nay, a REAL sandwich -- just go to a Jewish deli already.

Hamentashen heaven.

I've you've ever been to Hollywood Boulevard, you know it's more or less composed of two things...


And these:

Mash Malone: best stage name ever?

Oh THAT'S what happened to the Blockbuster rental empire...

This is what Beverly Hills looks like.

This is more or less what Los Angeles feels like in a car.

Venice Beach -- finally, a safe haven from the constant left-right shove of daily life in urban LA.

Palest foot in LA...

"Any news on the car?"

"Nothing new so far."

"I guess it could've been worse."


Venice Beach is known for "weirdos" broadly defined

 Despite what Woody Harrelson tried to prove (on this very court), white men indeed can't jump.  This started off as a jump shot, but only one foot left the ground...

Sushi and fish tacos right next to each other?!  WHO CAN CHOOSE?!

Meeting up with my cousin Caroline, currently in school at Loyola Marymount


Really REALLY fresh sushi.

Then this guy showed up?

Advice on how to bounce back from a car accident funk.  Inspired workout day #3 of the entire trip.

Meeting up with former Portlandiers Christopher and Alison for food and some tar pits.  
The first time all trip that a food photo came out as intended!

The La Brea Tar Pits -- literally an open prehistoric tar pit, loaded with fossils and stuff.  Less tar than I expected, but still tons there.

That cone means "DON'T step here!"  Note the tar all over the cone -- it bubbles up from the ground all over the place.

The iconic tar pits image.  Kind of dark and twisted when you see it in person and think about it for more than two seconds.

Winter walks the line like Johnny Cash

First ever Korean spicy pork tacos.  Not bad, not bad.

Kellen's coming back from his trip!  WESHOULDROASTACHICKEN!

Kellen didn't end up getting much (any?) chicken... Sorry Kellen.  But we should open your birthday present -- the jaw harp we sent you from Deadwood!  But...does...anyone know how to...use a jaw harp...?

This kid does!  Only thing is, he calls it a Jew harp...  Is anyone else bothered by that...?

Can't quite get it to work.

Nope, it pretty much just hurts.

Twelve hours and six shattered teeth later, we decide it's officially defective.  
Find the Winter, win a prize.

Let's make pizza.  "Ok it's a LITTLE bit soggy."

"But it smells good."  "How good?"  "We'll show you."

Winter falls asleep like this now...  I think it has something to do with hiding from the problems that keep popping up...

Chris Brown movie being filmed IN THE BUILDING?!  NO ONE PISS HIM OFF.

"Any news from about the car?"  Believe it or not, five days have already passed.  It's time to hit the road and find another couch to crash on.  Thank you, Kellen, for saving us for almost an entire week.  Time for our final LA meal:

Um, YES I will have the Frim Fram Sauce with Ausen Fay with Sha Fa Fa on the side.

"Now what do we do?"

Is this supposed to make us feel safe, guilty, or intimidated...?

1920s aviator goggles?  Check.

When you've got no idea where to go, where to sleep, and how to get there, it's best to just throw caution to the wind and order the entire dessert plate.

Next up: "Where do we go now?????"

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