Thursday, January 5, 2012

Days 53-57: San Francisco and Oakland (Part 2)

 Heading back into San Francisco for some Rice-A-Roni.*

 *For the record, we never once saw Rice-A-Roni anywhere.  Nor have I really seen any in the past ten years.  What happened?

Wake up, time for breakfast.  We forgot to take any pictures of the iconic nearly vertical SF streets, so instead here's your silver medal:

"I missed you so much..."  "I missed YOU so much..."  Then they literally broke into song.  
High school music geeks reunited.

Tourism time.  Fisherman's Wharf is something like the number one or two thing to do in San Francisco on every online list...

"I don't like it here, can we go somewhere else?"

The rules of Yellow Car are as follows:
One point for every yellow car you see
Five points for a yellow motorcycle
No commercial vehicles
Negative one point for any false yellows or commercial vehicles
Almaz always loses
Laura still thinks we're playing... (we're currently in Dallas...)

On the way out of Fisherman's Wharf, we run into this.  I'm still kind of pissed I was "too big" to try it


BOOM!  About fifteen flips later this kid has gathered a crowd of fifty people

I think this is the ferry building, right?  Not the point...

...home to Occupy San Francisco.  Pretty much the same as everywhere else, except with palm trees.

And these guys...  Apparently Occupy's tactics have evolved to the eminently effective streetside dance party.

At one point it became clear that the most important thing that we had to do at that very moment was find out how to Autotune* our voices on our phones.  It didn't work.  I haven't tried the I Am T-Pain app yet though, but I'm downloading it right now and will let you know how it goes.
*If you don't know what Autotune is, then you haven't listened to the radio in the past five years.  This is what it sounds like.

Time to get Almaz a Christmas tree.

This chart would come to play a significant role the following night. <Footage not found> Turns out one of us is more liberal than the other. 
By the way, this was on the wall in some sort of sausage shack next to the super market.  We got big ol' sausages, Chicago style (actually I think mine was like Belgian or something).  Good story... not.

"How does this...?"

Making progress

Mulled wine always helps

All done.

Next morning, time for some legit Chinese food.

Shalongbao.  Scallion pancake.  No water, only hot tea.

Ok now we're getting REALLY touristy.

Sometimes the view from ON the bridge isn't quite enough...

Right here I'm yelling at the top of my lungs -- over the intense wind -- "I'M FREEZING CAN WE GO BACK?!"

The new X-Men headquarters is just below the point where the two shadows meet...

Like mother,

like daughter.

 I feel like this could have been designed better...

Winter chews the fat with some co-eds at Berkeley

We knew it instantly.  This tree was simultaneously Winter's wildest dream and our worst nightmare.  If you can't see why at first glance...

...let's' zoom in a bit.

Rounding out the SF stage with some flavor-infused sodas at Julie's.  That's rose, lavender and maybe chamomile?  Boil down sugar and water to make simple syrup, add flavor, filter (I think?) then mix with soda water.  It was actually pretty good. 

This pretty much sums up the last night in San Francisco.  For most of the night, Winter just sat in the corner and watched everyone mull around.  But at some point I decided she wasn't having enough fun.  Time to wrestle.

Next up, we finally hit the California coast.  Then, the California coast hits back.

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