Sunday, January 1, 2012

Days 51-52: Souls on the mend-o in Mendocino, CA (Day 1)

 Welcome to Mendocino, California: the greatest place on earth.  We'll be staying here (below) for the next two days (actually we only started off with one day here, but we ended up staying for two nights because it was so amazing).  A MILLION thanks to the Danhakls, and Mike and Sheila, for welcoming us with open arms as their guests.  We are forever indebted to you for your great generosity!

Winter is officially in heaven.  
With the washed-out sun this picture actually resembles what dog heaven probably looks like.  Disney was kind of off the mark with their artistic interpretation.


Working hard for the right shot...

Forget it, lets just play with the horses.

"I thought I was supposed to rub their noses??"

Even with giants looming over her, Winter's only concern is her stupid tennis ball...

...we don't get it either.

Retraction. Winter DOES pay attention to other animals, if only to tell them to stay the H-E-double-nylabones away from her ball.

A distant relative of Bullwinkle J. Moose?

A horseshoe-in for Best Of: Vol 2

What's that in the distance?

Oh, right.  THE OCEAN.

There's some joke in here about horses, California, and grass, but it hasn't come to me yet.

Our front window for the next 48 hours.

Quick game of Find the Winter.

Working hard to figure out how to buy a ranch on the ocean and start living there as soon as possible.

Oh, and forgot to mention, redwood forest behind the house.

Remember the earlier comment about averaging out the brightness of the sky and the trees?  Nailed it.

The closest Winter has ever come to looking like a Disney cartoon.  (Two Disney references in one blog...please don't sue)

Ok this was probably the most incredible thing we'd ever seen in nature.  Some of you probably see it right away, others may need to be led to it.  If you look carefully, you can find at least six different animals here.  At least, I think that's how many we found.  Don't believe it?  Scroll down...

Upper left: a long-haird Dachshund (wiener dog) facing down and to the left
Middle whitish section: some sort of cartoon chicken facing to the right
Top all the way across: an eagle or something facing right -- the eye and beak are pretty clear  
Upper right: Another eagle or something like it facing down and to the right, eye is the nostril of the other eagle
Lower right: A horse facing down and to the right, with a reddish white mane on top
Just above that: Another horse, made up of the reddish white mane of the other horse
And finally, with no circle because they were getting too jumbled: the dark green patch of bark in the middle looks like a dragon's neck curling up to the right, with the head pointed down  

If you're a believer and you see others, let us know!  If you don't see it or think we're idiots, TOO BAD

As day 1 ends, we quickly realize that there's no way we can leave tomorrow.

Time for a drink at the Inn to rework the itinerary for the next few days...   Local beer #23,864 of the trip

Next up, DAY TWO.  Believe it or not, this place actually gets even better.  So do the pictures.  

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