Friday, January 6, 2012

Days 67-69: Back on the Road: Grabbing the bull by the horns!

ENOUGH!  TWO WEEKS STUCK IN THE MUD!  We have to get back on the road!  
Now we just have to...figure out how

Also have to figure out how to get Winter to stop climbing to the back of the minivan and rummaging through our stuff for food and tennis balls.

Sometimes finding a Trader Joe's is the best thing in the world.

I think we stayed somewhere like Oxnard, CA or something like that?  Near Ventura?  Does that sound right?  Had to drive twenty minutes just to find a park.  TRAVESTY!

AND my watch broke.  The arms just completely fell off.  But -- and this is where are luck seemed to start turning around -- we realized there was a Fossil outlet five minutes down the road AND my now national out-of-stock watch was there and cheap.  Boomtown.

Legit Chinese food in Santa Barbara (technically in Goleta).  For the majority of this meal, two UCSB students talked enthusiastically about their plans for the future -- internships, job options, long-term success, etc.  Have we got some stories for you...

I think we're in Lompoc, CA now?  We decided two days ago to figure out how to get back on the road.  Only problem is, we haven't really...figured that out...? 

In other words, the main question on our minds when we woke up was, "Where do we go now?"  Guess we go back to Santa Maria (where the accident happened) and hang out?

We went back to Santa Maria to check the car for stuff one last time.  This is what awaited us.
You know when they do news coverage of a disaster somewhere and all you find is a little remnant?  It felt like losing a pet.

But, at long last, we finally got a one-way rental back to Baltimore.  30-days.

Not the fanciest ride, but it'll do...  Time to drive 11 hours from Santa Maria, CA to Sedona, AZ to meet Laura's brother for some camping.

Somehow we haven't made an In-N-Out trip.  But we're on our way out of California, so it's time.

They squeeze 20 staff members into a tiny, greasy kitchen, and they manage to be the most optimistic, happy people IN THE WORLD.  We're talking DISNEY cheery.

Ok, it was pretty good.


the landscape...


and change...

and change some more.

Are those... clementines???

Shhh don't tell anyone.

We're going from alllll the way over there (on the left)... alllll the way over there...

...then alllll the way to there.  At that point we'll be about two-thirds of the way there.

Making progress, but it's taking FOREVER.


Studying vocab words to pass the time...

This whole day has an air of something about to happen but never does.

Are those... toothpicks...?

...tiny little turbine toothpicks.

First signs of the Mojave Desert

Ok.  Keeping track of the mileage is getting REALLY complicated.  I THINK the last time we tracked our mileage we'd hit 10,000.  That means the last car got up to 750 miles.  So at 250 miles in THIS car we hit the reset button and -- I think -- that means we're at 11k.

Last break before seven hours driving in the dark and snow.

Finally got a picture of tumbleweed, even if it's the only one we've seen not rolling across the highway.

Now we're REALLY in the Mojave Desert.  Right around here, we were listening to On the Road and realized we were passing Jack Kerouac on the highway going the opposite direction 54 years ago.

Cold day-old leftover Chinese dinner at 9 pm.

Barely awake at 11 p.m.

Somewhere in Arizona at midnight.

Waking ourselves up a little bit to prep for two hours driving through the snow from west of Flagstaff and on down to Sedona.  Did we make it...?  Will we get there...?

Spoiler: Yeah we did.

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