Monday, December 5, 2011

Days 38-39: Vancouver

After 21 days in the wilderness, we reach our first "big" city since Chicago -- Vancouver, British Columbia.  Have to make it there first though...

Big surprise -- driving through snowy mountains all day, AGAIN.

But the view progressively improved as we headed west...

By the time we reached the town of Kamloops -- aka the only place with cell phone signal and internet access for 200 miles -- the scenery improved dramatically.  

And managed to finally see a bighorn sheep, just walking down the highway we crossed the Great Divide.

Hit 7,000 miles...

...with plenty of filth to show for it.

The deep emotional swings of canines: 
Alert and excited

Dejected and removed.

On crack.

520 miles and 10+ hours of driving later, FINALLY made it to Vancouver, the City of Glass (you'll see why soon)

Annnd more Occupy.  Somehow these things all end up looking exactly the same.  Same slogans, same tents, same generally scruffy disposition.  I guess maybe that means it's at least a little bit coordinated?

"I mean, come on guys, find a toilet or something.  Even I know to at least poop in the corner."

There's your glass.

First thing's first.

Wait for it...

...waiiiit for it...

FISH TACOS.  Seared tuna tacos, more specifically.

Somehow the entire city has this aquamarine tint.  Sort of stuck in the 70s, but actually looks pretty nice.

Stanley Park.  
This is why you don't let your dog jump out of the car leash-free in a park.  Unbeknownst to us, on the other side of that hedge a wedding was taking place.  Winter's gift: a pile of poop about five feet from the ceremony.  To be fair, it WAS on the registry.

Quick stop in Chinatown for Baozi

Beijing street markets all over again...

These are translated literally as "wood ear" or "tree ear"

You know you're in Vancouver when the political ads are also in Chinese.  Just about everything in Vancouver is also in Chinese.

Probably could've made this one better with some cropping, but I'm lazy.

Gotta love a city with an off-leash dog beach 

Dog party, Vancouver style.  Note that Winter is completely enthralled by her tennis ball and completely incapable of relating to her peers.
But she's our crack addict, and we love her.

Vancouver's answer to Pike Place Market.

It's a moist city.

If your camera is high-tech enough, you can actually take pictures of your inner child.

If you don't know the history behind hot cross buns, it's kind of interesting

This was just kind of terrifying... LEAVE SANTA ALONE.


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