Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 41: Olympic National Park (aka "GET US TO PORTLAND NOW!")

Welcome to Olympic National Park -- Twighlight territory.

Making a break for it

Messing around with Super Vivid again

Winter FINALLY gets to swim in a glacial lake.  She'd been asking for it for weeks.  We were kind of freaked out thinking about the fact that the lake was a thousand feet deep.

Welcome to Forks, Washington: a tiny town at the far western end of Washington, wedged on a tiny strip of land between the Pacific Ocean and Olympic National Park. Also the setting of Twilight.

The town has embraced it.  For the record, we didn't go here on purpose.  We had no choice.  NO CHOICE!

The town has embraced it.

They're pretty into it.

Really into it.

The Bella Burger (if you don't know the characters in Twilight, consider yourself lucky)

In case you're curious

Free with the meal


MADE IT TO THE PACIFIC!  So did Jimmy the tennis ball.

The nearby rivers carried all these giant redwood trunks down to the shore

It was really REALLY windy

We're all out of breath because we had to run against the wind to get back to the car

Big. Tree.

These rivers run right out to the ocean

But, naturally, all Winter cares about is fetch.

This sign says "Welcome to Aberdeen: Come As Your Are" -- Kurt Cobain's hometown.

And finally, for the first time in over three weeks, people we know.  Next up, Portland, OR.

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