Saturday, December 10, 2011

Day 40: Seattle


Or are we?  Hour-long wait at the border...

At least they had some cool art along the way (one art. there was one art.)

 Quick stop in Bellingham, WA for...

...ICE CREAM. Boomtown.

Specifically, Chili Lime ice cream.  Real spicy.

Making our way down the Puget Sound

Ahhhh, sweet sweet cell phone signal.

Bumming around the Pike/Pine Triangle.  

Time for dinner.

Looks like we'll get along with these people (read the glass)

This was supposed to be a great photo.  All ironic and stuff with the halo and the praying and the portrait of Mary in the background.  It didn't work out.

Coldest art exhibit ever. 

Naturally, we gravitated toward the burlap sacks of coffee in the back.

Seattle by day.

Highly recommended, though Philly themed?

Finally.  Bottomless coffee.  For the first time since CHICAGO.

These were honestly the best pancakes ever.  Literally no pancakes anyone has ever had or with ever have were as good as these.  It was like eating pancake-flavored clouds with syrup-flavored awesome.

Not so much the case with this one.

World-famous Easy Street Records

Picked up the new Beirut and Airborne Toxic Event CDs.  Not as good as we'd hoped.

The stupid Experience Music Project was like $30 bucks per person.  That was an easy veto.  Officially discovered our maximum price limit.

This was the first-ever Starbucks.  Seemed kind of...corporatized?  Uniform?  White-washed?  Starbucks-ish?  We expected it to seem more authentic...or something.

This is the place where they throw the fish.  Everyone stands around waiting for them to throw the fish.  Pshht. Tourists.  *Scoffing*  We're above that.

They threw a fish.  We got a tiny quarter-pound chunk of smoked salmon for Cara and Andy.

Laura landed on "Lucky in Love."  Damn right. 

It's true.  The internet agrees, so it must be true.

Wait.  What is this?

Oh. Ok. THIS is the original one...right? 

Should've remembered that, when the book says "It's a block from Pikes Place Market", there's a Starbucks on every corner.

Occupy Seattle.  Occupy Portland got cleared out right before we arrived a few days later, so this will have to do.


Lonely Planet wouldn't state this definitively, but they think that this sculpture was the inspiration for Black Hole Sun.  It's called "Black Sun" and has a hole in it.

To round out the day of touristy kitsch, quick stop at the Kurt Cobain bench -- a makeshift memorial in Viretta Park near his old house.

"Thank you, and I love you."

I liked this one the most.

Waiting for dinner.  In the mood for something very specific.


This garden roll... eh... it was like watching a python eat a horse.

Go to Seattle, see a concert.

Gotta prepare first though: five bucks for a 30-pack of generic beer. 

tUnE-yArDs.  I defy anyone to find something that's as original and weird and still catchy as this.   It's actually mostly just one woman with her voice and some beats on loop.

After the concert, everyone's outside hanging out.  Mostly teenagers and college students figuring out what's next.  But we're feeling tie-tie.  Time for bed.

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