Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day 34: "Welcome back, Kanada!"

Annnnnd we're back.  After a week off for Thanksgiving, here's a short trip into Canada through Calgary, on the way to Banff National Park (arguably the best mountains in North America) 

We found this map just across the border at a gift shop -- Glastonbury, Baltimore, and DC were already taken.  Btw if anyone has any problem with the Oxford comma, take it up with...Oxford?

Quick stop in Waterton National Park (the Canadian part of Glacier National Park, which is inconveniently not also named Glacier National Park...) to see the Prince of Wales Hotel -- an old Burr favorite.


Heeeeeeeeeere's JOHNNY!  Sort of?  Anyone else see it?

This may look like a game of fetch, but it's actually a game of throw-the-snowball-through-the-open-car-window.

Hey boss, can I have the ball?

Hey boss, look at my ball.  Drool adjacent.

Dropped (and almost lost) the camera inches from this lake.

"Smile, you're in Canada, eh." 

While snapping your neck over your right shoulder because you responded too slowly so the sign zips by, this sign says:
"Welcome to Calgaryyyyyyyyyyyyy!"  

Note the horizontal sign. Way to go, Canada.
(Just kidding, Canada, we enjoyed you.)

Beer. The first thing we do in every city.
Beer. It's what's for dinner.
Beer. The other other OTHER white meat.

Big Rock Brewery -- home of Grasshopper, which led fifty percent of the two of us to say "Wow, this might be the best tasting beer I've ever had." 

Lots of options, but ONLY sold in Canada.

At this point, the camera literally broke -- more specifically, it would shut down every time we zoomed.  Until we get to Portland and (cross your fingers) get it replaced at Best Buy, all these photos are zoom-free.  Enjoy the white space.

Banff, here we come.

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