Sunday, November 20, 2011

Days 29-31: Grand Tetons, Wyoming

We woke up to this:

But it looked like this:

This is the story of when weather stops being polite, and starts getting real.  First (and last) MTV reference of the blog (unless we can somehow get The Jersey Shore in our crosshairs)

Arrived late at night...

...after the snowstorm in the mountains...

...and went straight to drinking.

Ingredients on this pizza:
Chorizo sausage
Fire roasted peaches
Chipotle barbeque sauce
Crumbled goat cheese
Pizza has officially jumped the shark.

Ok, after a solid night of sleep, let's see some MOUNTAINS.

Nature says, "Not yet."

An hour later, nature still says, "Nope." 

Another hour later, nature says, "Not today, buddy."

Finally, nature says, "Go home, asshole."  

Ok, time to redirect our attention.  Let's see what happens if we play snowball fetch while Winter is leaning out the passenger window...

We were told we'd see wildlife while driving from Moran Junction to Jackson Lake Junction.  This isn't what we were hoping for...

Hmm...maybe the Visitor Center is trying to tell us something...

Then, BOOM!  Rays and La Montagne! (ok that reference was a stretch, but someone might get it)

Patience (i.e., lots of whining) finally pay off. At this point, captions kind of become irrelevant.  
Grand Teton to Mount Moran over Jackson Lake.

View from Summit Mountain lodge.

Full southern range from Jackson Lake Dam. 

Then, day two, even better. 

After things finally turn around, something of course has to go wrong, right?  Here's what went wrong.  Here's what ELSE went wrong... 

This wasn't a particularly exceptional restaurant, but dinner was fun.
Ok good weather, LET'S HIKE.  Only problem -- record bear sightings in the area...  One of the stories ended with, "They found what was left of him -- you know, because the bears were eating him -- by the lake."

First stop, Bradley Lake.  Bears please don't eat us.

Note the bear spray on the sternum strap...

Halfway there: Taggart Lake and still not mauled.

Messing around with the zoom lens.

These were the first of hundreds of tracks.  "I think they might be...moose?"

"Uh yeah I think it's a moose."

Unfortunately, this is the closest picture we could get, but at least we got one.  Just lying there chewing on grass, watching us pass by.  See wildlife that doesn't eat us: check.

We spent about fifteen minutes waiting for this fox (coyote?) to come out of the bushes about a thousand feet away, back before we saw the moose.  Would we have hung around so long if we had already seen the moose?

Heading out tomorrow, last chance for a few good shots. 

Mount Moran (left)

I WILL climb this one day soon.  Grand Teton -- apparently not nearly as impossible as it might seem.

Messing around with the zoom lens again...

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