Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Days 13-15: O Canada! (Montreal and into the wilderness)

Ready?  Here's the difference between the U.S. and Canada.
First, New York:

Note the fruited plains:

Ready?  Here it comes...

WASTELAND!  The horror!

SOMEONE who knows Arrested Development inside and out MUST get why I took a picture of this... 


Strangely reminiscent of Adams Morgan

Joey, who grew up in Montreal, told us we had to make sure we got poutine while there.  Only problem, we're from 'merica so we didn't know what he was talking about.  Here's me eating it:

Here's what it looks like:
But it was mmm mmm good. 

Crepes and Connect Four at midnight in Montreal.

Messing around with the "posterize" setting...maybe a little too much.  This goes on for about a week.

Occupy Montreal was actually pretty hardcore.  I thought Canada didn't have the right to peaceably assemble, that's why they still belong to the U.K.?  Someone call the queen.

This was the best shot we could get of the bass-ackward name for KFC in French: Poulet Frit Kentucky.  COME ON!  (Arrested Development joke #2 of this post) 

Uh... Boston Pizza??

Remember that tennis ball?  STILL THERE.

Follow the arrows to the the dark...several hundred miles from civilization.

Eh, let's just keep going to North Bay. 


A culinary oasis in Pembroke.  Tim Horton's is sort of Canada's answer to McDonalds+Panera...?

Weren't really expecting to find this in the middle of the middle of the middle of nowhere.


Shout out to Jacob (note the sign)

Shout out to Liz Lemon?

"Why do you do this shit to me?"

Sudbury nearly killed Canada for us.  It was a pretty sad place.  At least the parts we saw.

"Uh excuse me, where's the nearest gas station?" 
"That depends, how much do you have left in the tank?" 
"Maybe eight miles' worth." 
[Disgusted pause]
"...Okay there's a gas station about 20 miles back the direction you came from."

Somehow she sleeps like this.

This picture is just here to remind us of when we played fetch with Winter in Lake Huron, which we didn't take a single picture of.

Almost there...

...just a little more...


1 comment:

  1. Love the picture of Winter in the hat. Busted out laughing at work. And THAT is why you do that to her. :)
