Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day 85: Out on the tao'n in Taos, New Mexico

We did it.  We FINALLY did it.  We found the most beautiful man-made structure on earth.  EAT THAT, UNESCO!  Wh--what?  Oh-- oh, ok.  They've already been there?  Oh, and it's one of the most commonly photographed structures in the world?  Shhh... 
*Don't worry, this guy's just sleeping

Winter's carryings-on while we trying to figure out where we are

Found it!  Taos Pueblo, New Mexico.  One thousand year-old adobe structure, continuously occupied (or at least still occupied today) by Puebloan Indians. 

Rife with prime subjects for door photography.  Sentence confused with awkward syntax.  Baffled readers for hours remain stunned.

North House -- the big kahuna


Dog siesta time: 10 am - 4 pm

Can't...  stop... photographing...

...the same...thing...

Must... not... post...

Holy adobe, Batman -- these guys are really stuck in the mud!

A lot of the pueblo's individual homes are still accessed by ladders and holes in the roof 

Time to get moving -- losing sunlight, and we have to drive 700 miles to Dallas by TOMORROW.

An hour later, that same front just won't leave us alone

Hmm... suddenly looking quite bright out...

What's that, girl?  You saw me turn up the red tones on that one shot to simulate sunset?  And that's against the rules?  And I've now consequently surrendered the moral high ground to the legions of 24-hour news cycle junkies and re-re-re-tweeters?  It's about STORY, Winter.  YOU'VE NEVER UNDERSTOOD THAT.  STORY. 

I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to yell.

One might assume those marks on the window are the battle scars of a vehicle well worn.  No, no, no, my dear Watson -- those are telltale signs of a dog staring out a window.  Winter's nostril marks, I daresay.

NOW it's getting dark.  Still very much in New Mexico.  Several hundred miles to go.

So this was a pretty new thing to us -- timed stoplights at worksites.  Rather than have people on hand to direct traffic, because we're in the middle of nowheresville they have these instead.  This is the most recent of many.
In retrospect, I'm not really sure why it was necessary to explain that.  The road gets boring sometimes. 

You know you need the best camera ever invented when:
You just can't manage to get the shot of the most incredible sunset stretching the entire length of the horizon as far as you can possibly see in either direction.

Just not good enough.

Next up, Amarillo, Texas: Ancestral home of the originator of the Boomtown legacy, Sir Andrew Polk.

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